Hey! It's you, I hope and pray the next time you come to this page you are not broken, you are healed, you are more mature, and you are here to write something positive. Well, you are 22, you have made your final call, Is it too early to do that? Maybe yes, but you have ticked all the boxes right? I hope you are happy with your decision, you always wanted to have a dog right, you have your 6-month-old baby with you, I don't know why he's calmer than usual, I hope he's doing good now. Does he still sleep so peacefully? You still feel guilty na that you are not providing him with the best, I hope you have improved. I feel lonely yaar, idk how this extrovert girl who loved to talk, and

had 100s of people to talk to is now alone. You've changed but this change is not good for you. Stop having expectations from people and please start investing in yourself. Be the girl who was ambitious and had dreams. You will need it when you are alone. I hope you are doing better ab.